3 Ingredient Protein Bagels For Weight Loss

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Tips on Mealtime and Your Underweight Child

If you’re like me then you’re searching for ways to get good nutritious food in your kids’ belly but also finding ways to give them enough calories. Remember that as parents you are responsible for what is offered and where and when it is presented. You are also responsible for providing a safe and enjoyable environment during meal times.

Skipping Breakfast Hardens Your Arteries?

According to a recent study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, those who skip breakfast are more likely to experience atherosclerosis, aka hardening of the arteries, than those who ate a daily, healthy meal in the morning. 1 The connection, it appears, is that those who are breakfast skippers tend to have more unhealthy diets and lifestyles than those who don’t. They found in the study that overall, those who opt to skip breakfast had poorer diets, were more likely to have high blood pressure or be overweight, and were more likely to smoke or consume alcohol in excess. All of these factors lead to an increased risk for atherosclerosis. Lack of breakfast is not the cause, per se, but an indicator of other health habits.

What Is Red Ginseng and Its Top 5 Benefits

Somewhere in Asia, an herb called ginseng is famously grown. Naturally, ginseng is not found in its red form it undergoes a certain process to attain its desired color. Normally, red ginseng is produced by processing the roots of Korean ginseng. However, according to native Asians, a certain process is followed in order to produce a red ginseng.

Health Tips for Kids in Winters

With winters come flue, cough, fever, and all those nasty diseases. All the winter fun is ruined when your kids are sick.

Everything You Need to Know About A Herniated Disc

This article is meant to help you better understand the implications of a herniated disc both as a diagnostic and as a reason for surgery. People tend to avoid reading about this topic because they are afraid they might find themselves suffering from the same symptoms they read. Yet, informing yourself about this topic will help you notice if there is something wrong early enough. Keep reading if this is what you are looking for.

Plump, Round and Healthy Too

My husband and I recently took a relaxing and fun vacation to Maine. The weather was enviable in August coming from hot and humid Charleston. So were the food, landscape and the Mainer’s way of life.

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